For Polish people a great deal of investing is on par with instincts’

2012-02-15 12:47

We spoke with Mariusz Potaczala president of TMS Brokers and a veteran of the markets. Specifically we asked about the changes in market conditions over the years since all participants of the WTI complain about the new reality.
According to Mariusz it ties into how much and how quickly information is disseminated in our days. Back in the great depression it took a while for the market to learn about news, sometimes it could take weeks. Right now news are absorbed into the marketplace immediately. The result is pullbacks are rarely the magnitude of what they used to be and prices move a lot faster.
A good example is the fighting reported by Bloomberg in the east of Saudi Arabia, with police and armed Shia protesters. As a result oil is up to the highest in a month.
Another example is Moody’s downgrade of six European  countries. The impact was barely noticeable because S&P and Fitch had already gone through this exercise last month.
One month and a half before the end of the 2011-2012 edition of WTI Mariusz is happy with the performance of fellow Polish Pawel Olchawa with 3 accounts on the top 10 world ranking. He is confident he will be the winner of this edition and the successor of compatriot Mariusz Ganczar winner of the 2009-2010 edition.
Mariusz is very happy with the performance of his TMS clients. ‘’Let’s face it’’ he said, ‘’ for Polish people a great deal of investing is on par with instincts’’.






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